New Location @ 5137 Craig Rath Blvd Suite C, Midlothian, VA 23112
If you would like to learn more or to set up a free consultation
You can follow Dr. Keel
For those interested in speaking with Dr. Keel to see if we are a good fit, schedule a consultation call over lunch to get started.
If you are a ...
Licensed Social Worker/Psychologist about to do counseling or cognative behavioral therapy or other modality
Health Coach, Health Educator,
Biologic Based Practitioner i.e. registered dietitian or a nutritionist,
PA or NP with Interests in Functional Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, Integrative Medicine,
Manipulative and Body-Based Practice Therapist i.e. massage therapist, physical therapist, reflexologist, athletic/ personal trainer
Mind / Body / Spiritual instructor i.e. skilled in meditation, yoga, guided imagery, hypnosis,
Energy Therapies such as Reiki, healing touch techniques,, magnetic field therapy, acupuncture
Nurse, Phlebotomist, Lab Tech
Lets Talk! We are always looking for good community partners!!!
Our Aim is to create a new model of primary care delivery that is transformational!
A practice that is patient-centered and employee-owned with prevention, longevity, and everyday joy at its core.